Candidate Name: | Sam Carpenter |
Office Candidate is running for: | US Senate |
Campaign Website: | |
Please answer "yes" or "no" to the following questions. The optional explanations will be included in your Individual Candidate Guide. | ||
1 | Do you support drilling for oil and natural gas on public lands and waters? | No |
2 | Do you support a balanced budget? | Yes |
3 | Do you support giving Puerto Rico and states access to bankruptcy court to legally impair its general-obligation debt when fiscally in trouble? | No |
4 | Do you support cutting the military budget by not giving raises to military personnel? | No |
5 | Do you support the EPA conducting aerial surveillance on agricultural operations? | No |
6 | Do you support land-use rights for rural farmers/ranchers against EPA's forced land grab? | Yes |
7 | Do you support EPA temporarily closing BLM roads to give time for public hearings and a permanent order? | No |
8 | Do you support the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act allowing the U.S. Military to arrest and detain ANY "suspected" terrorist without trial, legal counsel, or accusation of wrongdoing? | No |
9 | Do you support the UN Strong Cities Network sending foreign troops into states to train local enforcement to strengthen community resilience against violent extremism? | No |
10 | Do you see environmental protections as a necessity that takes precedence over human rights? | No |
11 | Do you subscribe to the theory that Oregon's human activity has an impact on carbon emissions affecting global warming? | No |
12 | Do you support a public audit of the Federal Reserve System? | Yes |
13 | Do you support the authority of IRS to request Social Security numbers of nonprofit contributing members? | No |
14 | Do you support cutting ties with ICANN as an agent of the U.S. Government, which guarantees free speech on the internet? | Yes |
15 | Do you support closing Guantanamo Bay? | Yes |
16 | Does the federal government have constitutional authority to regulate schools? | No |
17 | Do you support dismantling the U.S. Department of Education? | Yes |
18 | Do you support Common Core State Standards? | No |
19 | Do you support restrictions on the ownership of guns by law abiding citizens? | No |
20 | Should the federal government return to the states land it owns that is not for the purposes authorized by the Constitution? | Yes |
21 | Do you support free trade agreements with foreign nations? | Yes |
22 | Do you support requiring all employers to verify employee eligibility to work in the United States? | Yes |
23 | Do you support securing the borders before any form of amnesty is legalized? | Yes |
24 | Do you support spending public funds to benefit illegal immigrants? | No |
25 | Do you support automatic citizenship to children born in the U.S. when both parents are not legal residents? | No |
26 | Do you support the Federal "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" (Obamacare)? | No |
27 | Do you support a national law legalizing marijuana? | No |
28 | Do you support the First Amendment right of business owners to run their business in accordance with their religious beliefs? | Yes |
29 | Do you support spending public funds on abortion services? | No |
30 | Do you support repealing the Supreme Court decision in Roe versus Wade? | No |
31 | Do you support the Supreme Court's decision upholding same-sex marriage? | No |
32 | Do you support the federal funding of embryonic stem cell research? | No |
33 | Do you support preserving Israel's existing borders including occupied territories? | Yes |
34 | Do you support U.S. aid to Israel to ensure it can defeat its enemies? | Yes |
35 | Do you support laws that exempt government officials from laws that apply to private citizens? | No |
36 | Do you support replacing Social Security gradually rolling over to private retirement plans for future beneficiaries? | Yes |
37 | Do you support raising the Medicare eligibility age? | Yes |
38 | Do you support reining in the Supreme Court to strengthen the checks and balances in the federal system? | No |
39 | Do you support the use of presidential executive orders that changes law? | No |
40 | Do you see the 2030 Agenda (formerly Agenda 21) as a threat to the U.S. sovereignty? | Yes |
The following questions will not appear in the Candidate Comparison Guide, but will be included in your Individual Candidate Guide. | ||
41 | How do you weigh environmental protections when it has a negative impact on human survival? | |
42 | How would you propose screening war refugees to prevent potential terrorists from entering the country with them? | |