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Oregon Candidate Questionnaire

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Disclaimer: The Abigail Adams Project provides candidate information and does not endorse candidates. Completion of the Abigail Adams Project Questionnaire does not constitute an endorsement.

Candidate Name: Jordan Gutierrez
Office Candidate is running for: State Representative 31st District
Campaign Website:
Please respond using the dropdown box on the right indicating how you would vote, if elected and not otherwise persuaded. (Bill references are the source for the question and not intended as a resource for your answer.)
1 Toll primary freeways and highways using variable rates to collect more during peak times to manage congestion. HB 2017 (2017) No
2 Require 100% reduced emissions below baseline emissions by 2040, regardless of having structure to insure adequate power, and make net zero a Constitutional right. HB 2021 (2021), IP 39 (2024) No
3 Require 35% of manufactured cars be battery-electric, hydrogen-powered, or plug-in hybrid by January 1, 2026 and 100% in 2035. No
4 Standards for PUC to develop 100% electricity sold to be generated utilizing renewable and carbon-free energy. SB 390 (2021) No
5 Support federally funded hydrogen power exploration by the Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Association. Yes
6 Gun owners must securely store their weapons when not in use, bans guns in the Capitol and PDX, allows public schools and universities to install gun bans, and makes gun owners liable for crimes committed if the gun is stolen. SB 554 (2021) No
7 Require hand-made guns to have a serial number and meet registration requirements, prohibiting "undetectable firearm" sales or transfer. SB 396 (2021), HB 2005 (2023) No
8 Support county's right to adopt or pass a Second Amendment Sanctuary ordinance. Yes
9 Allow registered voter's names to stay on the active voter rolls for an unlimited period of time. HB 2681 Decline
10 Allow Oregon Health Plan to register users of the health care system to be automatically registered to vote and ask for a HIPAA exception. HB 2107 (2023) Yes
11 Establish "Ranked-Choice Voting" that requires voters to rank candidates in order of choice with numerous counting cycles. HB 2004 (2023) (Measure 403 - 2024) Yes
  If people of my district want it.
12 Lower the voting age from 18 to 16 years of age. SJR 25 (2021) No
  Mabey for those who are working and paying taxes.
13 Restrict election observers from getting the ballot images to check viability of elections and increase cost, and shortens the retention of cast votes. SB 166 (2023) Decline
14 Allow undocumented aliens to obtain driver's license and register to vote with the last four-digits of a social security number with no valid address. HB 4133 (2022) (Reverses Measure 88. HB 2015, 2019) No
15 Eliminate the essential skills test in reading and math proficiency required to obtain an Oregon high school diploma through 2024. SB 744 (2021) No
16 Allow family access to choice of school and education dollars that follows parents to use to customize the best education for their child. (IP 1 & IP 6) No
  Instead give more power to parents, teachers, and school boards over local education
17 Repeal the corporate gross receipts tax (CAT) that earmarks 40% to fund Student Success grants and 30% to the Student Investment Fund. HB 3427 (2019) Yes
18 Return the Superintendent of Public Instruction to a public elected position according to the Oregon Constitution Article VIII, Section 1. SB 601 (2021) Yes
19 Permit gender identity instruction in grades K-3. No
  Defer this to elected school board officials
20 Allow biological males who identify as women to compete in women's sports. No
21 Develop a single payer government run health care and board to implement Measure 111 and determine how to pay for it. SB 1089 (2023) Yes
22 Allow minors of any age to receive reproductive health care (abortion) services without parental consent. HB 2002 (2023) Yes
23 Mandate COVID-19 vaccination to attend school, work, or travel, and allow pharmacists to administer. HB 3057 (2021), HB 2278 (2023) No
24 Allow anyone to come to Oregon for free abortions or free suicide drugs. HB 2279 (2023) Yes
  I would support a small fee to reimburse Oregon Taxpayers
25 What level will you support the pro-life/pro-choice issue?
  1. Pro-choice with no restrictions.
  2. Pro-choice with 'care of life' if an aborted child is born alive.
  3. Pro-choice but limits abortion to prior to viable life.
  4. Pro-life restricts abortion after 20 weeks, the point the fetus feels pain.
  5. Pro-life allowing abortion if the result of rape, incest, or if the mother's life is in danger.
  6. Pro-life allowing abortion only when mother's life is in danger.
26 Agree with the Governor assuming authority, without legislative approval, to reallocate funding from health care for homeless housing? No
  Oregonians have affordable healthcare by Constitution, misappropriation of funds approved by our legislature is unacceptable
27 Protect First Amendment rights of business owners to run their business in accordance with their religious beliefs. Decline
  This is for the Federal Courts to decide.
28 Permit permanent connected accessory dwelling unit or a recreational vehicle on the same single-family parcel. SB 835 and SB 1013 (2023) No
29 Limit the sale of Oregon farm land to only U.S. citizens. (Over 2% is currently owned by foreign countries.) Yes
  Or taxed heavily, should ban China and other adversaries.
30 Criminalize injuring or killing animals, including killing for food, hunting, fishing and criminalizing breeding practices. IP 3 (2024) No
31 Support the Oregon Department of Forestry to follow the National Forest Service to do prescribed burns every 5 years to clear out ground cover at the risk of burning trees that could have been harvested first? Yes
  With reimbursement for loss timber value
32 Amend Oregon's Constitution to allow Legislature to impeach statewide elected officials. HJR 16 (Measure 401 - 2024) Yes
33 Rank your support for the Oregon Legislature to allow Eastern Oregon to join Idaho if the majority of voters support the move. Neutral
34 Repeal a portion of Measure 110 by reestablishing criminal penalties for possession and distribution of hard drugs and fentanyl, but retain funding for rehabilitation programs. HB 2310 (2023) Yes
  Support forced rehab for repeat, offenders.
35 Change the governor's appointing authority for court judges to require Senate confirmation. Yes
36 Restrict the use of the "emergency clause" on legislation to remedy the occasional true emergency. Yes
37 Support the Columbia River Bridge design with light rail included. Yes
  Need more budget disclosure and to gaurntee Washington pays their fair share.
38 Restructuring of the state capitol to improve seismic structure in three phrases budgeted at $505,700,000 completed by end of 2025, now $100 million over budget. Yes
39 Require state banks to convert to backing deposits with precious metals following a few other states for financial security? Decline
40 Eliminate mortgage interest deduction from taxable income. SB 852, HB 3349 (2019) No
41 Convert to a sales tax that would totally eliminate a personal income tax following states with the highest personal income growth. No
42 Which option do you think has the best potential to reduce the rising Oregon Public Employee debt that now totals $28 billion?
  1. Propose a tax that specifically goes to the debt.
  2. Raise taxes for the General Fund and allocate $200 million in each biennium budget to the deficit.
  3. Place limits on public employee raises that increase the debt.
  4. Use lawsuit proceeds to pay down the deficit.
  5. Seize unclaimed property assets after 10 years.
  I will not support putting this burden on Oregon Taxpayers.
43 Amend Oregon's Constitution to repeal the kicker. No
  Oregonians have a Constitutional right to be refunded excessive taxation.
44 Eliminate Office of Immigrant and Refugee Advancement in the Governor's Office that develops statewide strategies and ensures legislation doesn't negatively impact immigrants of color. SB 778 (2021) Decline
45 Prohibit public bodies and law enforcement agencies from inquiring about immigration status, or deny services and benefits, unless under criminal investigation. HB 3265 (2021) No
46 Repeal of Oregon's sanctuary state law. Yes
  Oregon needs to aggressively crackdown on other states who deport illegals & homeless to our State
47 Prohibit ICLEI/ICMA or other 2030 Agenda (formerly Agenda 21) organizations from contracting with public entities allowing them to make decisions reserved for elected officials. Yes